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Denver Airport, Colorado

Photo of Marco Tessarin, CEO at SMC

Portal - the collaboration portal

Connects people and systems,
taking all the advantages of mobile

On open technology.

Why OpenSquare PORTAL

It is the open source collaboration portal to connect all the people and systems of your company

optimizig the information exchange and legeraging on all the mobility advantages.


Collaboration in the company

Developed for business collaboration, for simplifying the communication, cutting down time the idle times and facilitating the group bond.

Liferay Technology

Open source software "collaboration" platform to manage the company content, ready to create company's portals.


Granted support over the whole strategy definition process. From the idea to the successful solution implementation.


Increasing the effectiveness of individuals, teams and organizations, in their activities.

Reducing direct and indirect costs so to optimize activities, processes and information

Facilitating the sharing of new ideas and supporting values and innovation projects

Sharing comoany information creating synergy in the sales team

Reducing time for the users to access and share information

Improving internal and external visibility and communication.

A tailored solution

Modular, scalable, it owns an Open Source heart to grant versatility and adaptation to company needs and dynamics.

Open Source inside: Liferay

In line with our philosophy, Portal has an Open Source heart.

SMC is since 2008 partner and contributor of Liferay, leader in the market.

Discover more on Liferay


To organize the communication levels and information publication, both internal and external to the company. Grants a great freedom in the development of whatever kind of Portal.

Dynamic, flexible and easy to be integrated

It can be integrated with all the business software that you own and it includes a unique interface that can be accessed by all the web browsers and by the mobile devices

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It includes e-commerce functionalities for creating a true on-line shop with a granted high level quality.

For managing independently sales, marketing and warehouse


  • Semplification of sales procedures
  • Purchase times reduction for the customers
  • A better competitiveness of the products/service that you offer

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For integrating and effectively using tha information coming from the business applications (ERP, BI, CRM, EDM) and creating ultimately a unique web access point for making use of all structured and unstructured content.

It is the bridge between company Information Systems and Open Square Portal

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Unified access to a user's virtual desktop and collaboration of the work teams, both internal and external

The company becomes Virtual and the collaboration becomes Real


  • Increase of effectiveness and work quality
  • Integration with the software applications already present in the company
  • Effectiveness in the communication between miscelaneous work groups, remote sites and users
  • Better satisfaction of employees and customers

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